Author: Beppe Simone

Europa Nostra General Assembly 2021

Europa Nostra contributes to Exponatec Cologne with info stand and colloquium on Digitalisation and Cultural Heritage

Europa Nostra delivers keynote speech at Europeana 2021 Conference “Recover, Rebuild, Grow”

Europa Nostra appointed as the new Regional Co-Chair of the Climate Heritage Network for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

Europa Nostra and EIB Institute mission visits the Historic Cemetery Complex of Mirogoj, Croatia

Europa Nostra releases Venice Call to Action: “For a New European Renaissance”

Declaration of support and solidarity to the population of the island of La Palma (Canary Islands)

European Heritage Policy Agora – Closing session

European Heritage Policy Agora – Panel “Culture and Heritage as the basis of a New European Renaissance”

European Heritage Policy Agora – Panel “Cultural Heritage, a catalyst for peace and mutual understanding”