Category: Awards

Europa Nostra co-hosts workshop ‘European Network Building for Heritage’

Spain: Centuries-old tradition of Morón Artisan Lime production in Morón de la Frontera celebrated

Grand Prix presented to research project “FIBRANET – FIBRes in Ancient European Textiles” in Copenhagen, Denmark

Research project “ART-RISK – Artificial Intelligence Applied to Preventive Conservation” celebrated in Seville, Spain

Open for submissions: European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2022

Ceremony for research project ‘Control Shift. European Industrial Heritage Reuse in Review’ held in Athens, Greece

Italy: Award presented to Rita Bargna, creator and promoter of the art of lacemaking for over 70 years

Venice Summit “For a New European Renaissance” – Message by Executive President and Secretary General

Italy: Museo Diocesano Tridentino celebrates Grand Prix for exhibition “The Invention of a Guilty Party”

Greece: Restoration of the Plaka Bridge in Epirus celebrated on-site with high-level representatives