Category: Members

Europa Nostra strongly condemns the ongoing deliberate destruction of cultural heritage in Ukraine

Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe – Europa Nostra reaction on the proposals formulated by the Conference on the Future of Europe

Farewell to Costa Carras, iconic champion of Europe’s shared heritage and values (1938-2022)

Elliniki Etairia celebrates its 50th anniversary with the presentation of their publication ‘Fragile Earth’ in Athens

Europa Nostra General Assembly 2021

Venice Summit “For a New European Renaissance” – Message by Executive President and Secretary General

Message by Europa Nostra’s Executive President and Secretary General

IN MEMORIAM – Kliti Kallamata, Council Member of Europa Nostra (1955-2020)

Call for Nominations for the 7 Most Endangered Programme 2022 open: Why and how to apply?

Europa Nostra holds capacity-building workshop on ‘Revisioning Relevance to Become OF/BY/FOR ALL’ with Nina Simon