Category: Policy

Europa Nostra’s NEB Taskforce advocates a peace and dialogue-oriented approach to the New European Bauhaus

Europa Nostra co-hosts workshop ‘European Network Building for Heritage’

Towards a New European Renaissance – Message by Executive President and Secretary General

Europa Nostra addresses EU Ministers in charge of culture at the EYCS Council meeting in Brussels

Europa Nostra welcomes Council Conclusions on culture, high-quality architecture and built environment as key elements of the New European Bauhaus

Friends of Europe policy journal releases Europa Nostra’s article “Invest in culture against rising walls in the EU’s neighbourhood”

European Cultural Heritage Green Paper published in French and Spanish

Europa Nostra welcomes the CulturEU online guide on EU funding released by the European Commission

Europa Nostra contributes to Open Eyes Economy Summit 2021 in Krakow

Europa Nostra delivers keynote speech at Europeana 2021 Conference “Recover, Rebuild, Grow”