Category: Policy

Europa Nostra contributes to high-level event organised by the Greek Government in the frame of the COP26

Climate Heritage Network launches Race to Resilience Campaign at the COP26

Europa Nostra appointed as the new Regional Co-Chair of the Climate Heritage Network for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

Together with the global heritage community, Europa Nostra contributes to COP26 in Glasgow

Debate on Culture and Heritage held in Paris as a contribution to the Conference on the Future of Europe

Venice Summit “For a New European Renaissance” – Message by Executive President and Secretary General

Europa Nostra, European Movement International and CEMR host workshop on New European Bauhaus during EU Regions Week

Europa Nostra releases Venice Call to Action: “For a New European Renaissance”

European Heritage Policy Agora – Closing session

European Heritage Policy Agora – Panel “Culture and Heritage as the basis of a New European Renaissance”