2015 ENCATC Research Award Ceremony

The winner of the 2nd ENCATC Research Award on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management will be revealed on the evening of 25 November in Brussels on the eve of the European Culture Forum being organised by the European Commission. The Award Ceremony will take place at CIVA, Centre International pour la Ville, l’Architecture et le Paysage in Brussels on 25 November 2015. The evening event will be comprised of lectures, a panel debate, the 2015 award presentation, the official launch of the ENCATC Book Series initiative, and a networking reception.

Coming from Belgium, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom, the four finalists selected by the international jury are: Ann Overbergh affiliated with the University of Antwerp; Annika Hampel from the University of Hildesheim; Alessia Usai from the University of Cagliari; and Fiona Hutchison from the University of Exeter.

The ENCATC Research Award is granted each year to a recently published PhD thesis exploring, through comparative and cross-cultural research, issues at stake and taking a step from evaluative (descriptive) to comparative applied research. The Award is rewarded to a thesis that can inform policymaking and benefit practitioners active in the broad field of culture.

For more information visit www.encatc.org and to R.S.V.P. click here.