The Best in Heritage 2016

This year the Best in Heritage celebrates its 15th anniversary, once more giving a featured selection of the most innovative and inspiring award-winning museum, heritage and conservation projects well-deserved attention from the international, professional community. The gathering will consist of two events, representing a balanced variety of best practices, geographically diverse, and accomplished in many different circumstances and contexts: IMAGINES, a one day event where Multimedia and New technology achievements will be presented; and the core event, with its packed two-day schedule. Altogether 44 projects will be presented, with representatives from China, the United States, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Vietnam, Russia and Europe taking the stage.

The audience, moderators and the keynote speaker will choose The Project of Influence 2016, for both parts of the programme. On September 25th, the White Council, an informal body composed of a keynote speaker, moderators and the members of the Board, will offer a wrap-up session as an ad-hoc analysis of trends and tendencies as deduced during the three days of the programme.

In addition to the global survey of best practice, the conference features rich social and cultural content organised with help of Dubrovnik Museums, all taking place in the Renaissance city centre of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The conference is organised in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA & the Endowment Fund of ICOM, with the local partnership of Dubrovnik Museums, the support of the City of Dubrovnik and with sponsorship from Meyvaert Glass Engineering.