Mobile version of the Europa Nostra website online

A mobile friendly version of the Europa Nostra website is now online. If you search for Europa Nostra on your mobile phone, you will be automatically directed towards

This version has an easy to navigate ‘Menu’ button on the top left handside, that you can click to access some sections of the website such as news, events and awards. Other sections will link to the desktop version.

The pages dedicated to the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards show all winners with photos, videos, description of the projects and jury comments. All award winners can be searched and sorted by country, category and year starting from 2010.

A link at the top of the ‘awards’ section connects to the voting page of the Public Choice Award, where visitors can vote for their favourite projects from among this year’s 28 winners until 31 of May 2015.

Online visitors are increasingly turning to mobile phones to access content online. It is therefore now possible to read about the laureates and the awards scheme during a visit to the physical sites.

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