Success of two Czech heritage projects in the Awards 2017 celebrated

The joint ceremony for the Baroque Complex and Gardens in Kuks, Grand Prix winner in the category Conservation, and the Educational Programme for Czech Cultural Heritage, winner in the category Education, Training and Awareness Raising, was held on 1 September in Kuks. In front of an audience of 100 people, Europa Nostra’s Executive Vice-President John Sell presented the Awards to Naděžda Goryczková, Director General of the National Heritage Institute, and to the managers of the two projects, Oldřich Pešek and Martina Indrova, respectively. The Minister of Culture, Daniel Herman, and the Minister of Regional Development, Karla Šlechtová, participated in the event.

Martina Indrova, Oldřich Pešek and Naděžda Goryczková. Photo: Courtesy of National Heritage Institute

“These two projects tell us much about why we look after heritage and how we can do so. Heritage is the evidence that allows us to understand and interpret history. By engaging imaginatively with the widest possible audience, we ensure that the care of heritage is deeply embedded in society,” stated John Sell, Executive Vice-President of Europa Nostra.

“To award two projects managed by the National Heritage Institute the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards 2017 is not only an exceptional success of that institution, but for the care of Czech heritage over all,” affirmed Daniel Herman, Minister of Culture.

“The rehabilitation of the Baroque Complex and Gardens in Kuks was awarded not only an Award in the category Conservation but also the Grand Prix. This project has become, through its range, quality and sustainability of the conception, a standard for tangible cultural heritage conservation in the entire European area. The Educational Programme for Czech Cultural Heritage has became a system of regional centers for education and especially, by its connection with the scholarly sector represents a new period for the potential educational use of cultural heritage. I’m proud of both the team work and all of the National Heritage Institution’s contributors involved in projects. Thank you all”, added the Minister of Culture, in whose portfolio the care of heritage is included.

Karla Šlechtová, Minister of Regional Development, followed Daniel Herman’s speech with her own address: “I am pleased that this ceremony, where both of the awarded projects are celebrated, has been held right here in the Kuks Hospital complex. The Ministry of Regional Development brought about its renovation through an Integrated Operational Programme. It is great that the project of the Baroque Complex and Gardens in Kuks succeeded when facing such demanding European competition. I’m very pleased that our efforts have enjoyed a great response from both visitors and specialists alike. Without a doubt, the Hospital Kuks deserves that attention as it is a unique and exceptional European monument.”

“The success of both of the National Heritage Institute’s projects within this European competition is an opportunity to thank all who preserve monuments and who help to build awareness of how important our cultural heritage is, and how important it is to conserve and care for it. Equally, it is evident that the National Heritage Institute not only knows how to preserve and renovate monuments, but also how to give monuments new life. We would like to continue this practice. The result of this synergy is a satisfied and educated visitor,” concluded Naděžda Goryzcková, Director General of the National Heritage Institute.

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