Tag: European Investment Bank Institute

Secretary General of Europa Nostra and President of Montenegro discuss ways to save endangered sites of Sveti Stefan, Miločer Park and Bay of Kotor

On the Day of Memory, technical report of the Central Post Office in Skopje is unveiled by the Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute

Our President Cecilia Bartoli gives exclusive interview about Europa Nostra to influential Czech magazine

1st Costa Carras European Citizens Award goes to the Romanian NGO “ARA” for its exemplary work to safeguard the heritage of Roșia Montană

Europe’s 7 Most Endangered Heritage Sites 2023 announced

European experts’ report highlights the urgent need to save and rehabilitate Zogu’s Bridge in Albania

Live Announcement of the 7 Most Endangered Heritage Sites in Europe 2023

Les experts d’Europa Nostra et de l’Institut de la BEI lancent un appel urgent pour la préservation de la cité-jardin de La Butte-Rouge près de Paris

Europa Nostra and EIB Institute make urgent appeal for preservation of Garden City La Butte Rouge near Paris

Europa Nostra’s President Cecilia Bartoli meets high delegation of the European Investment Bank and its Institute